Continuing with the Arduino Starter Kit series, the second project - Spaceship Interface - is the first project to include code next to the actual circuit:
The program is uploaded onto the Arduino Uno board making two red LEDs alternatively turn on and off while a push button is kept pressed. Initially, when this switch is not pushed, there’s a third green LED that is on. When the swith is pushed the green LED turns off. At the same time the two other red LEDs start switching on and off every quarter of a second - simulating a spaceship command panel (just like at the board of the Star Trek Enterprise). There is also a paper cover to use in order to hide the circuit and make the board look closer to a spaceship console.
Three covered LEDs while the push button is switched off
Three covered LEDs while the push button is kept switched on
Three LEDs with no cover
Four LEDs with no cover while the push button is switched off
Four LEDs with no cover while the push button is kept switched on